SMS Expert + GDPR Blog

Different ways to get a response from your SMS marketing and communications

People often ask "which is the best way to get people to respond to my texts". There is no right or wrong way and each campaign should be split-tested with a few different options to see which works best for your type of message and audience.

But the different options you can try are...

1. SMS Reply: using a virtual mobile number which we can provide, as the Sender ID. This is who the SMS comes "from" when it appears on people's phones. In your message simply invite them to reply, with something along the lines of "reply YES for more info and a free callback from our sales team"

2. Callback: using a virtual mobile number which we can provide, as the Sender ID. But this time the number is voice-enabled and we'll forward incoming calls to your own landline or mobile. In your message simply invite them to call, with something along the lines of "press the call button now to speak with our sales team"

3. both of the above options can be done directly to your own mobile or landline. So for example if you want people to call your sales line directly just set the Sender ID to be your number

4. Click-through. If you have a great website that looks good on a mobile, then in your messages simpy type the URL of the site. Make sure you put the www so that it is automatically clickable when they view it. So something like "for more info please view our website at"

5. A web link doesn't have to be your home page. Why not put a link deep into one of your inside pages. Maybe a page especially designed to be viewed by your text recipients

Feel free to mix it up and have a reply number and a web address - give people as many ways of reaching you as you can.

The best way to see these options is to give it a go. Send a few test messages to yourself and colleagues. See what everyone prefers.    

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